Fresh Ideas Blog

New Features Released

Written by Tom Flynn | Dec 16, 2010 10:24:11 PM

Happy Holidays from Bullseye and Electric Vine!!
With the holidays here and 2011 just around the corner, we are very pleased to announce that we rolled out some major new  features to Bullseye Locations this week.  These features will support your ongoing integration with Bullseye in 2011.  Here they are:

Support for Mobile Apps
Our new REST web service supports a number of requests we’ve had for integration with mobile apps and will also make it easier for PHP developers integrating store locator search technology into websites and other applications.  The REST service includes methods for retrieving categories and performing searches.  Results can include all location information including custom attributes.

Add/Update Locations Web Service
You’ll be pleased to learn that we have finally completed the development of the Add/Update Locations web services.  Long awaited for, these web services will now allow businesses to integrate locations stored in Bullseye directly with in-house and 3rd party applications and will significantly reduce the manual effort of maintaining locations in multiple places.  We’ll continue to offer tools for batch upload and managing locations through the Bullseye interface, however we encourage your team to check out our new services and see if it might be valuable to integrate with your in-house application.
New methods allow you to retrieve locations by Bullseye ID or 3rd party ID.  You can also set values for locations, territories, categories and even custom attributes.

Support for Lead Capture on a Specific Location
For clients using Bullseye for Lead Management, we have now implemented a method that allows you to bypass a location ID and bypass the lead routing function.  This opens the door for integrating lead capture with your store locator. Customers can search first and then submit lead request based on a dealer they have selected.  The lead request then triggers confirmation email, dealer notification as in standard lead routing configuration but will only be assigned to the dealer selected by the end user.

Updated Documentation
All new API documentation is available in the developer section of our website at

**New API methods are available only for the Bullseye 6 platform.  If you are a Bullseye 5 client and are interested in transferring your subscription to Bullseye 6, please contact us to discuss migration.