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New Product Features


New Lead Manager Features

  • Digital Literature Fulfillment – Automatically include a link to product literature in the confirmation email when users submit requests for information. The link can be dynamic based on the users indicated product interest.
  • Companies – This feature allows you to route leads based upon the company name of the lead. So you can assign lead “A” to distributor “A” and the system will know that all leads that enter lead “A’s” company name should go to distributor “A”.
  • Email Rep – This allows reps to be copied on lead notifications to distributors.
  • Include Lead Details in Lead Notice­­ – This gives you the option to include the lead details in the “You’ve Got Leads” notification email which is sent to distributors. This is a good feature if you want to be able to forward the lead to someone else for follow up.
  • Canadian Territories based on 3 Digit Codes­ – This shortcut allows the creation of territories by entering only the three character postal code instead of all six.
  • Automatic Login – Distributors no longer need to remember their login information. It can be included dynamically in the “You’ve Got Leads” notification email. When the user clicks on the link it will automatically log them in.
  • Delinquency email – We’ve made an enhancement to this feature that will only send reminders for a two week period.

New Store Locator Features

  • API changes – The new Bullseye API allows the retrieval of a category tree.

New System Wide Features

  • Customized Login – We now offer the ability to create a branded login page.  This works for both Lead Manager and Store Locator admin accounts.
  • User Manager – We now offer you the ability to have multiple logins for a single location or distributor account.  Each administrative account will let you add multiple user accounts.

Contact your Bullseye Sales rep (800) 606-1415 to learn more or for a demo of these great new features.