Bullseye has worked with many craft liquor companies over the years. Bullseye is well equipped to address the unique needs that craft liquor locators demand.
Craft beverage manufacturers often don’t utilize the full potential of their locator. Many companies provide a straight dealer/radius search without allowing the potential customer to filter by the beverage they are looking for. Oftentimes, these consumers have a particular beverage in mind, rather than merely the brand.
There are also opportunities to automate the maintenance of the store data. Automating the data updates not only makes maintenance easier, it can also enable liquor companies to let their customers search for specific products they are looking for, which provides a lot more value for them.
Specialized Craft Beverage Search Needs
If your product is craft spirits, craft beer, or craft wine, we are familiar with how to let consumers find your products. Alcohol companies frequently need to distinguish between on premises or off-premises purchases (restaurant, vs. liquor stores).
Allowing consumers to find your beverages in a local restaurant or liquor store is a great way to promote your products. Perhaps a consumer who visits your locator to find a liquor store hasn’t considered looking for your beverage in a restaurant. This is a great opportunity to cross-promote.
If your beverage is available in different flavors, or in bottles vs. cans, you may want to include these as a search option. Consumers will be happy that you can save them a trip to a liquor store which may not have the specific item they are looking for.
Bullseye’s filtering ability can accommodate these specialized search needs to keep your customers happy.
Keeping Data Up-to-Date
Beverage companies often manage their liquor inventory through data providers like VIP or Great Vines. These services are useful for making sure your product is kept on the shelves for purchase, and they can also be used as the supplier of your store data for your locator.
Bullseye has integrated with both services, allowing you to have an automated location data feed pushed into Bullseye, eliminating the need for manual updates. When a store has run out of a product on their shelf, we can omit the store from showing up in the search results. The locator basically runs itself, without the need for any manual data uploads. Customers can do a product specific search based on what is in stock instead of a mere search for a store that carries your brand.

Keep Everyone Happy
Bullseye ultimately keeps you, your consumers and your dealers happy. Consumers will be happy to do detailed searches to get what they are looking for. Your dealers will be pleased to get the business you are sending. You will be happy to be gaining business while keeping a robust locator running with minimal effort.
Please contact please contact Tom Flynn if you would like to enhance your locator.