Reporting looks impressive, doesn’t it? There is a certain wow factor in displaying graphs, statistics, and engagement metrics when you view reporting in an application. It’s great to have access to data that is potentially helpful, but it’s another thing to actually apply the data to your business to use to your advantage. It’s a resource that is often not used to its full potential.
It is worth the time to dig in and look critically at dealer locator data, provided that useful reporting is available.
Here’s an example of a useful metric which can be helpful to your sales/marketing team: The number of product inquiries in a geographic area. Let’s see some of the insights that can be gained, and some actions you can take to add value to your business from this data.
The following screenshot was taken by generating Bullseye’s Searches By Location report. The Searches By Location report allows you to see which dealers have been returned in locator search results. You can filter the searches by which category (products) that people have searched for to return those dealers. This screenshot is from a locator that allows users to search by different types of products. One of the products is Waterproofing products:
The excerpt above is taken from an excel export, and shows that there have been 7 searches for the Waterproofing category. There is a separate row for each search. All of the dealers are in Sun Valley, California. 5 dealers have been returned for the searches (2 of the dealers were returned in 2 searches). All of the dealers are in Sun Valley.
What might we gain with this report?
By finding geographic areas that have generated a lot of searches for your products, there are many possible insights/actions
Check If You Need to Ship More Products to These Dealers
If you see a lot of activity in a certain area, you could preemptively check to see if more product needs to be shipped to the dealers that have been returned in the search results. It may be that the searchers have made purchases at the dealers. You could check directly with the dealers, which also lets them know that you are thinking about them.
Check if you Have Enough Dealer Coverage in the Sun Valley Area
You may be getting a lot of searches, but are dealers being returned? If not, you can approach potential dealers to carry your products so that future searches will yield results to potential customers.
Research Other Cities that Might have a Demand for your Products
You might research trends and demographics in Sun Valley, and look for other cities that are similar. You could run marketing campaigns in those cities that would meet the needs of the similar demographics.
Reward Dealers
If you track lead follow up or sales with your locator, you can reward your dealers for any sales they have made to strengthen your relationship with them.
Pitch More Products/Services to the Leads
If you are tracking closed sales with your locator, you can pitch other products and services to them, such as a service package or a warranty program that applies to the product they have purchased.
To learn more about Bullseye reporting, contact Tom Flynn at 732-868-8463 x1.