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Fresh Ideas Blog

Location marketing strategies, checklists, and best practices

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Building Materials

Marketing Budgets for Building Materials Companies in 2023

Your marketing budget as a building material manufacturer can determine a lot about revenues and overall growth. In the year 2023, getting it right...

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dealer map
Dealer Locator Software

Is Your Dealer Map Obsolete?

As a building materials manufacturer, you’ll have some web visitors who are on a simple mission: to buy your products as soon as possible.

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using atm card machine
Dealer Locator Software

The Best ATM and Branch Locator Software

As a bank, credit union, or financial services company, is your locator page doing everything possible to serve your customers and build your...

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Does Your Dealer Locator Require Too Much Work?

If your dealer locator makes your customers work hard to buy from you, that’s a huge problem.

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Why Locators Are an Important Part of The Online Sales Process for Building Material Companies

Any modern building materials manufacturer will have to future-proof their online sales operation to win. That involves looking beyond the main pages...

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brochures on table

Tips for Creating a Highly Effective Building Materials Marketing Brochure

To compete and win, building materials manufacturers need to use every marketing tactic available to their advantage. This includes tried-and-true...

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Building Materials

The Power of Local SEM Landing Pages for Building Material Manufacturers

When building material manufacturers set out to improve their search engine marketing (SEM) strategy, the pages that customers “land on” after...

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wordpress store locator website screenshot

The Top 13 WordPress Store Locator Apps in 2023

If you want to grow sales for your retail brand, you need a marketing strategy that not only educates consumers on why they need your products, but...

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The Top 17 Shopify Store Locator Apps in 2023

Are you a Shopify store owner looking for new ways to boost your sales, both online and offline? If so, an effective Shopify store locator app may be...

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